What is Neuro Visual Optometry (N.V.O.)?
N.V.O. helps diagnose and treat binocular vision dysfunction, a condition that causes eye misalignment. People suffering from this condition have a small amount of eye misalignment not found in a routine eye exam. Their body corrects the misalignment by overusing and straining the eye muscles, causing aggravating symptoms.
Do you suffer from dizziness, headaches, neck ache and/or anxiety? Have you seen numerous doctors, had multiple tests and tried many different medications and treatments without much relief?
This may be the solution you’ve been seeking! Our office is one of only twenty in the U.S. to provide this specialized treatment.
Complete the appropriate questionnaire below and return to our office by fax 940-691-5653.

Clarke N.V.O. Patient Testimonials
I Got This, Mom!
Brandon’s teachers recommended testing for dyslexia and autism when he started kindergarten. Years later, he had not received a diagnosis but was still reading at a kindergarten level (2 years behind). Brandon was also terrified to cross the street or enter unfamiliar buildings, especially if they were noisy or crowded. Second grade brought a referral to North Texas Rehabilitation and occupational therapy. While waiting for clearance from health insurance to begin OT sessions, Brandon had a neuro-vision exam with Dr. Elizabeth Clarke and received a new glasses prescription. After wearing his new prism glasses a few weeks, Brandon had his first occupational therapy session. The therapist was puzzled and wanted to retest. New testing showed Brandon reading at grade level and he was dismissed from the scheduled therapy sessions. As for crossing the street or new surroundings? With his glasses, Brandon is now confident. “I got this, Mom!”
Brandon, 8 years old
Everything to Gain
I have always led a very active life; unfortunately, head injuries are part of that. I never really thought about how many concussions I’d had until I was about 25 and began to experience daily headaches. My doctors tried several different approaches to treat my headaches, nothing helped. Then I went in for a routine eye exam and learned about the neuro-vision exam at Clarke EyeCare Center. I was doubtful that glasses were the solution to my symptoms since I had always had 20/20 vision, but I decided to give them a try. Since I have been wearing my new balanced prescription, I have headaches so infrequently I can’t really recall my last one. The neuro-vision examination with Dr. Elizabeth Clarke was so simple and non-invasive. I would recommend anyone with symptoms similar to mine consider a neuro-vision exam at Clarke EyeCare Center. There is nothing to lose, but everything to gain!
D.M., 29 years old
Looking forward to my next 40 years
All of my life I have experienced dizziness and headaches. My head has always tilted to my left causing neck and shoulder pain. I have also struggled with reading for as long as I can remember. My sweet wife would read me books and magazines, but at work, I had to double and triple check my numbers to ensure I had not transposed anything. In 2012, my symptoms became so bad that doctors performed a battery of tests and found I had a cerebrospinal fluid leak. I had surgery to stop the leak in January of 2013, but that did almost nothing to resolve my headaches, dizziness, or head tilt. The dizziness was constant and extreme to the point of losing consciousness and became worse whenever I was in a crowded place, like church or the grocery store. I had to watch the ground when I walked to make sure I didn’t fall, but that meant not really seeing where I was going. When I first heard about the neuro-vision exam at Clarke EyeCare Center, I was skeptical it could really do anything for me. However, after I saw Dr. Elizabeth Clarke and was fitted with my new glasses prescription, I can honestly say it completely and immediately changed my life. No more headaches, no more dizziness, no more head tilt or neck pain, and no more transposing numbers. Today, I walk looking straight ahead and I can pick up my children without feeling dizzy. You won’t see me anywhere without my prism glasses. I have even stepped into the shower wearing them. I am so grateful to the good people at Clarke EyeCare Center. Thanks to them, I can now look forward to my next 40 years!
J.H., 40 years old
I am so thankful
I have had prism in my glasses for a year. It has been such a huge success in my case. I suffered from migraines for 5 years and was put on seizure medications to help deal with them. Since having the prism in my glasses, I have not suffered from migraines and have been medication-free. I am so thankful to Clarke EyeCare Center for “fixing” my eyes!
E.D., 30 years old
What are some of the most common symptoms of eye misalignment?
Unsteadiness / Drifting while walking
Poor Coordination / Clumsy
Poor Depth Perception
Motion Sickness
Headaches / Face Pain
Eye Pain / Pain with Eye Movement
Neck Ache / Upper Back & Shoulder Pain
Head Tilt
Sensitivity to Light / Glare
Double Vision
Feeling Overwhelmed or Anxious in Crowds or Large Spaces
Fatigue with Reading
Shadowed / Overlapping / Blurred Vision
Difficulty with Reading & Reading ComprehensionSkipping Lines / Losing your Place while Reading
Closing / Covering an eye to make it easier to see
More information about symptoms of Vertical Heterophoria can be found here.
What does the treatment consist of?
To correct this misalignment the Optometrist will use prismatic lenses in your eyeglasses. The prism will bend light in such a way that the image seen by the eye is moved into the position it needs to be, in order to once again realign the eyes. Once this occurs, the muscles no longer have to strain, and the headaches, dizziness, blurred vision and other symptoms resolve. It is anticipated that your symptoms will continue to improve as you adapt to the modifications of the prism.