Though it feels like just yesterday that school was letting out for summer, Back to School time is right around the corner. Every Back to School season wouldn’t be complete without shopping for new school supplies, as well as new school clothes and uniforms. But, all of the new supplies and clothes won’t do your student any good if they can’t see the board! Make sure to add an eye exam to your back-to-school to-do list.
Get Eyes Checked Now
Getting an eye exam prior to the start of a new school year is important for a number of reasons. Aside from the obvious, getting an eye exam while your student is still out of school for summer can prevent them from having to miss classes and assignments during the year for eye appointments. Though, they might not mind this so much. Summer break is also the perfect time to start children in new eyewear. This way they have time to get accustomed to wearing contact lenses and have time in the mornings to practice inserting and removing their contacts. Or they may just need time to adjust to new glasses or a new prescription.
We all know that summer is a harsh season filled with soaring temperatures and bright sun. Not only can this be rough on our skin but it can also have a negative impact on our eyes. It is a good idea for the entire family to get an eye exam prior to the fall to make sure everyone’s eye health is in check!
Get Them Used to New Prescriptions
Whether your student opts for glasses or contact lenses, starting the school year off with clear eyes and crisp vision can be vital to a successful semester. A new pair of glasses can help improve your child’s grades or help them make a fashion statement, either way, better vision can certainly increase their confidence!
Call us today to get your little and big kids scheduled before the summer is over! We have added additional appointment times to accommodate our patients during the summer months and for your convenience we are also open on Saturdays!